TiaDeShay - Dream Interpretation and Angel Card Reading in Le Blanc-Mesnil
Chat with TiaDeShay - Dream Interpretation and Angel Card Reading in Le Blanc-Mesnil online. 10-15 years of experience in Angel Card Reading. In 2008, I was given a prophetic message for an individual who was involved in Detroit politics. In 2009, the City of Detroit was involved in an intense political scandal, just as it was spoken to me and as I released it to this individual. Unfortunately, the individual did not heed the guidance of God and his angels. He eventually served 3 years in a federal prison. He later wrote me from prison stating that he should have listened. God has used me from that day forward to teach, guide, inspire and instruct others on their spiritual path through my clairaudience and clairsentience abilities. Within Christianity and Judaism, I am labeled a Prophet. New Age circles label me a Light Worker and a Oracle. In my eyes, I am a girl from the west side of Detroit who said, "Yes" to God because I had a praying grandmother. I didn't come in the world with labels, I came into this world with spiritual gifts and that's what I embrace and live out in my daily relationship with God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. So yes, absolutely, I believe and I have a growing relationship with God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. Angel Card Readings speak to your spirit, not your ego. The angels communicate messages that will best serve your walk with God, not your walk with people and their opinions of you. They do not replace the Holy Bible. They are a supplement to the Holy Bible, not a replacement. For example, you may ask about a relationship, but the cards you attract communicate that you need to return to school and gain more education. At this time in your life, God needs you to focus on school not a relationship. This is an example of how the cards speak to your spirit and God's plan for your future, not your immediate self gratification. If you are not ready to grow your spirit and tame your ego, Angel Card Readings are not for you. My spiritual resume includes a completed four year study in Biblical Studies and Kingdom Leadership and Certificates of Completion in Vision and Dreams and The Prophetic Gifting. My Angel Card Readings support the wisdom of the Holy Bible and are conducted under the angelic wisdom of my guardian angel, Gabriel and The Holy Spirit. I specialize in Divine Life Purpose, Relationship, Business and Career, Money, and Healing Readings. I provide private and email mentoring sessions to help you activate your clairaudience (clear hearing), clairvoyance (clear seeing), and clairsentience (clear feeling) giftings as well as help you identify the function of angels in your life. Before embarking on my spiritual practice, I was a High School, English Language and Literature teacher. I also served in the capacity as the Yearbook and Journalism Adviser. I believe that despite any wounds inflicted upon our souls and spirits through organized religion, God and our angels never stop communicating with us. In fact they talk to us on a daily and consistent basis. Angel Card Readings are a method that God uses to communicate to His children whom He desires a more intimate relationship with. Schedule a private consultation or an email reading today and discover the unique way God and your angels already communicate with you.
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