Angellove11 - Angel Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Le Blanc-Mesnil
Get one on one with Angellove11 - Angel Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Le Blanc-Mesnil right now. 5 years of experience in Tarot Reading. TREAT YOURSELF ..LET ME READ FOR YOU...LETS ROCK BABIES...WHO ARE WE?? We are energy. Let me touch you with love and grace. Look within, the presence of god/goddess is in you. You are UNIQUE. Love yourself. Creativity is a form of expression which is a useful TOOL in every aspect of life. I advise people to utilize creativity in every shape or form and embrace the child within!! I believe in the “almighty” and “spirituality”, but I am not religious! For me, love, peace, respect, unity and light is the religion of humanity. The law of attraction brings to you what you put out there through thoughts and vibrations so PEOPLE keep it POSITIVE.... A famous quote comes to mind “If god made so many different people then why wouldnt god make different ways to praise him/her!!” Deep down we are all psychic, coming onto this earth plane for our own journeys. My personal experience involved different episodes of personal learning. Allowing me to connect to my inner and higher self. Believing in my INTUTION and following my gut feelings has made me who and what I am today! All my life I have been very sensitive to life around me therefore am very empathic as well as a lightworker! I have studied a BA in Psychosocial studies and currently on the last year of my MASTERS in Psychotheraphy and Counselling. Have experience of Counselling Substance Misuse clients using Integrative theraphy. Given guidance to individuals facing barriers in life in relation to work, relationships and the sort. This room is about spreading love! Allowing energy to flow while sending out spiritual; crystal and natural healing; positive affirmations and good will. Gaining clarity while feeling the essence of the moment through “Mindfullness”. I want to connect with you..Concentrate on YOU and what you bring to the table. Highlighting available options while giving you insight as we work together!!! I mainly use ANGEL TAROT CARDS; GODDESS ORACLE CARDS; PENDULUMS AND GEM/CRYSTAL CARDS. I occassionally turn to other tools for readings such as TEA-LEAF and SAND. I like to work through VOICE VIBRATIONS while giving ANGELIC AND DIVINE GUIDANCE. Email readings are also an option available. I have delivered messages through working with spirit too. I specialise in life and due to expeience gained this is my expertise area, however I am still learning! To some extent, my personal abilities have been enhanced through the institute of Psychic Develpoment. GOD BLESS YOU with LOVE AND LIGHT..... ANGEL SHARMILA
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