Bernard1 - Palmistry and Tarot Reading in Le Blanc-Mesnil
Chat with Bernard1 - Palmistry and Tarot Reading in Le Blanc-Mesnil online. 30- years of experience in Tarot Reading. Bernard is a kind, caring, friendly and compassionate person, giving him the ideal base for a fantastically individual Psychic. Bernard is a Natural Psychic, Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Dream Analyst, Healer, Empath, Animal Communicator, and a Remote Viewer. His specialist areas are Love and Relationships and Destiny and Life Paths. Bernard has a very unique tool that he uses, he is able to give readings using flowers. This is a unique ability and it derives from the belief that plants/flowers are sentient, and have extra sensory perception. During a first time reading Bernard will ask the caller to take two deep breaths, and sit with their arms and legs uncrossed. Within seconds he will make a connection with his caller and also his spirit guide, the reading will then flow with information, facts, and validations. It is important for every client to remember that this is their time, if anything is not clear they can stop him and ask any questions. Bernard is very quick to make a strong connection to his clients. Within moments he is able to feel, see, sense, smell and hear what is happening in your life and the lives of people close to you. Bernard always has a vase of fresh flowers on his desk and during the reading he will be drawn to specific flower for the client, once he holds the flower the messages from his Spirit Guide will come through. Bernard uses several Spirit Guides, they include, Gladwyn his mother, Elizabeth his Grandmother, and Jon who lived in the 16th century. Each one of his guides brings him help, protection and enlightenment, and also providing him with clarity. Before a reading Bernard tends to meditate to open himself up to the universal energy, working in a light trance condition to connect to his client and their life. Bernard ensures you of three things, you will always receive clarity, honesty and enlightenment. The one reading that does stand out for Bernard, even after thirty years of using his ability was during a telephone reading, he smelt and tasted fish and chips, he mentioned this, and his client started crying, he asked why she was crying, she replied "My husband had a fish and chip shop for 50 years, before he died he said he would bring me a portion of fish and chips to let me know he was all right and happy! Bernard believes that once you have made the decision to have a reading with him the rest is easy, make time, relax, uncross your arms and legs and let fate lead the way. He also believes you need to have a list of questions so that you do not for get to ask anything crucial, but also remember to be patient everything takes time! Bernard was just seven years old when he discovered he was Psychic. His grandmother, who used to look after him while he was a child suddenly passed away, the next night she came to Bernard and sat on the edge of his bed, they talked for a while and she advised him that he should follow his calling and devote his life to helping people as she and his mother had done. About 10 years later Bernard decided to continue in the family business and began to do professional readings, and he has never looked back. Throughout his life Bernard has been surrounded by rescue dogs and horses, and they are a huge part of his life. He uses his animals for many different purposes such as, Riding for the Disabled, Companion Dogs, and Visiting Nursing Homes, he believes animals deliver great therapy. Flowers and nature are his passion. He feels great calming and healing energies from being in the outdoors. Call Bernard for a unique, clear and concise reading. Allow him to show you your true path in life. Please read my testimonials, you have found me for a reason. I am honest, accurate and straightforward, I give more in a minute than most do in 5. Why pay more for less. get the answers you need for less. . Files Bernard- 6017.wav dogs in lake.jpg peter pony.jpg saying.jpg Get free Email Alerts Stop free Email Alerts Get free SMS Alerts Stop free SMS Alerts BERNARD IS A BUSY AND POPULAR UK. CLAIRVOYANT. When I make a connection with you, I step into your shoes, feeling the energy, emotions, fear and uncertainty you may have. THEN THE MAGIC HAPPENS, my guide takes over your reading and the information flows. You will always be told what you need to know, sometimes this may not be what you want to hear. recent readings have included ; Soul mates thoughts and intentions. Re-uniting lovers. Distance relationships. Career changes. Re- uniting families. Marriage issues. Education issues. Property matters. Same sex relationships. Virtual relationships. Sexual issues. Love triangles. Communication problems. Arranged marriage. Psychic development. Artistic development. Reaching your goals. Good and bad luck. Why me ? Will it get better ? Predictions haven't happened. Will, he / she come back. Is, he / she worth any more chances ? What's wrong with my pet? Finding lost items. Finding lost people. Aura cleansing. Chakra cleansing. Energy healing. Time lines. Names. Dates. Places. Jealousy. Social media. Location. Motivation. Hope. Endings. Loss. Life's purpose. Timing. . Please remember. _____________________ Everything in life has a season and a time. I promise to tell you exactly what I see, feel, sense and smell during your reading, I have no idea what will come out, names, dates, places, people, events. Sometimes a reading can be ten or twenty words and take a minute. Sometimes a reading can be many thousand words, depending on your need at the time. I promise to be fast and accurate, relaying the information passed from my guide. Please only consult me if you need help, If for any reason I can't make a connection with you, I will be honest and tell you. I am not able to read everyone, usually because of timing issues, or you have had several recent readings, and need to wait for things to change. To get the best from your reading, allow ten minutes to relax before your reading, Sit down with both feet on the floor, try not to cross your legs or arms. Write down what you want to know, You are welcome to take notes. After your reading allow ten minutes to relax and go over what has been said. A reading can be life changing, and you will have many mixed emotions. During your reading and for ten minutes afterwards, you will be receiving healing and energy. IF YOU NEED HELP TO DEVELOP YOUR 6TH SENSE, PLEASE ASK ME, I HAVE SOME EASY WAYS FOR YOU TO DO THIS. PLEASE READ MY TESTIMONIALS............. YOU HAVE BEEN ATTRACTED TO ME FOR A REASON. WE SHARE LIFE'S JOURNEY. LOVE AND LIGHT. BERNARD. xxx Files Bernard- 6017.wav dogs in lake.jpg peter pony.jpg saying.jpg Get free Email Alerts Stop free Email Alerts Get free SMS Alerts Stop free SMS Alerts
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