Omaste121 - Angel Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Le Blanc-Mesnil
Get one on one with Omaste121 - Angel Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Le Blanc-Mesnil right now. 15-20 years of experience in Tarot Reading. Hello And Welcome To My Oyate I am Lakota Sioux-raised in the old traditions of my people.My name is -ThunderWind my name is traditionally a man's name but my Elder saw great things coming to me in my life and gifted me that name when I was twenty years old.I carry it proudly and strive daily to live up to the foresight of Spotted Owl-a most reserved Lakota and my beloved Elder -Mentor-Spiritual Guide and most of all my dearest Friend. I can still see him sitting quietly -waiting to praise me for doing things the right way--or maybe no so gently putting me back on the path. The days of my youth were not spent only learning spiritual thing-everyday choirs and normal daily activities filled my young life . I remember helping to do the dishes-picking weeds from the garden -gathering sage for special ceremonies as well as just being a kids and playing in the dirt. As a child it was also our job to check on the Elders once a day to see if they needed any help or just a bit of time with someone. I also remember just sitting and listening to the story's and History that the Elders would pass to me. Native Americans are a very spiritual people since the beginning of time hundreds of generations have carried these beliefs and traditions and passing the on to the younger generations--as I,myself am doing now. Vision Quest -Rites of passage -Medicine practices leadership Trials ans so so many more,remain relatively unchanged in the face of modern times Inipi - sweat lodge is one of the most spiritual practices to this day -lighting the sacred fire -placing the grandfather stones in the fire where they are heated up.and the place inside the inipi -in a hollow pit in grandmother earth. As a person enters the Inipi they say Mitakuye Oyasin -all my relations- this the most powerful Lakota payer of all - the four legged- two legged -creepy scrawly-Mother earth -father sky -Tunkashila -which means the grandfather - as well as the great spirit the creator Wakan Tanka. my status as a pipe carrier carries many responsibilities such as helping people walk the read road - find their path -prayer for the sick as well as guidance and spirituality. The Medicine Wheel you see behind me represents the four directions north waziyata -south-itogata -east wiyohiyanpata-and west-wiyohpeyata-all are used to walk the red road and for guidance.There are also spirit animals that are associated with the directions-the wolf -bear-buffalo- and the most sacred the eagle-wambli I began to understand some of my gifts at the age of twenty two years of age I would receive pictures and sound as i received these thing i ask the creator for help.Then my gift of reading and clairvoyance grew . I have helped many people over the years and have had the privilege of seeing people grow and find their path. I have also had the most respected and spiritual teachers and Elder help me along the way to become who i am today. Mitakuye Oyasin ThunderWind
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